Author: Prasad Raju

Attitudes for aspirants: A desperate struggle

Attitudes for aspirants: A desperate struggle

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center All life is an effort to achieve freedom from self-created entanglement. It is a desperate struggle to undo what had been done in ignorance; to throw away the accumulated burden of the past; to seek rescue from the debris piled high from temporary achievements and failures. Life strives to unwind the limiting sanskaras and find release from the mazes o... »

Attitudes for aspirants: Transition from unintelligent action to intelligent action -Part 2 of 2

Attitudes for aspirants: Transition from unintelligent action to intelligent action -Part 2 of 2

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center Inaction is less helpful than intelligent action, but it is better than unintelligent action, for it amounts to the non-doing of that which would have created a binding. The transition from unintelligent action to intelligent action (i.e. from binding karma to unbinding karma) is often through inaction. This is the stage when unintelligent action has s... »

Attitudes for aspirants: Transition from unintelligent action to intelligent action -1 of 2

Attitudes for aspirants: Transition from unintelligent action to intelligent action -1 of 2

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center All action, except that which is intelligently designed to attain God-realization, binds consciousness. It is not only an expression of accumulated ignorance, but also a further addition to that accumulated ignorance. Sometimes the pilgrim becomes so weary of recognizing that each act, instead of unwinding a knot in the inner being, has only tightened ... »

Attitudes for aspirants: Real learning

Attitudes for aspirants: Real learning

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center The man of the world believes that to have understood a thing intellectually is to have learned it. The true lesson in action, though, involves the wearing out of the sanskaras and the “wants” they engender. To learn in this sense it is not enough to comprehend intellectually. Learning may be a lengthy process which moves slowly through many, many repe... »

Attitudes for aspirants: Intellectual bigotry is the real slavery

Attitudes for aspirants: Intellectual bigotry is the real slavery

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center Although the unconscious slavery of modern man to the industrial age is a serious matter, the emancipation of mankind from physical and economic slavery is a comparatively easy affair. The real slavery, because it is the most cruel and destructive of all, is the intellectual bigotry which claims to possess an exclusive monopoly on all truth. It is peop... »

Attitudes for aspirants: Rituals and ceremonies become a sidetrack to the path

Attitudes for aspirants: Rituals and ceremonies become a sidetrack to the path

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center Often the aspirant is concerned in the early phases of his awakening by his attitude towards established religions and their rituals. All of these have a tendency to encourage the spirit of love and worship, and as such they help to a limited extent in wearing out the ego-shell in which human consciousness is caught. But if they are followed unintellig... »

Attitudes for aspirants: To use intellect as a tool, not to be overcome by it

Attitudes for aspirants: To use intellect as a tool, not to be overcome by it

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center One of these points of confusion concerns his attitude towards intellectuality… Intellect is reserved so to speak by nature for man. To have intellect one must be a human being. Regardless of how keen and quick that intellect may be, though, it will always remain just one of the stepping stones to wisdom, inspiration, illumination, knowledge, and at la... »

Attitudes for aspirants: An infusion of new meaning into the present and future

Attitudes for aspirants: An infusion of new meaning into the present and future

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center The entire spiritual process should never be regarded as one that can be described in intellectual terms, grasped by the mind and followed as a personal discipline. In many ways it constitutes the abandoning of all the previous means by which the individual had thought to achieve lasting peace. In other ways it is the essentializing and enlightened use... »

To establish love for the truth

To establish love for the truth

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center To establish love for the truth is the beginning of right valuation and the beginning of the undoing of the constructions of the ego which exhibits itself through false valuation. Any action that expresses the true values of life contributes towards the disintegration of the ego, which is a product of ages of ignorant action. The disintegration of the ... »

Slimming down of the ego

Slimming down of the ego

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center The ego affirms its separateness through craving, hate, anger, fear, or jealousy. The feeling of separation from others is most acute where there is great and unrelieved craving. In hate and anger also, the other person is, so to speak, thrown out of one’s own being and regarded not only as a foreigner but as definitely hostile to the thriving of one’s... »