Undergoing hardships for others wipes out our past karma
Source: AvatarMeher.org, AMB Hyderabad Center
Baba inquired about Piloo’s sister, Shirin Damania. “She works very hard,” Piloo said. “Since our mother died years ago, and we were all so young, Shirin has looked after all of us brothers and sisters, brought us up and managed everything in the house.”
Baba commented, “Working for and serving others, and undergoing so much strain, is very good. It wipes out past karma and even the new sanskaras which are created are very faint. So it is of tremendous spiritual benefit to work, serve, and undergo hardships for others. Sitting idle and always eating ready-cooked, served meals without lifting a finger to help is very bad spiritually. It creates very deep sanskaras which are difficult to wipe away.”
-www.lordmeher.org, p1606
May, 1934; Meherabad