The spirit of true love: “Love needs to be kindled and rekindled in the abysmal darkness of selfish thoughts, selfish words and selfish deeds”

The spirit of true love: “Love needs to be kindled and rekindled in the abysmal darkness of selfish thoughts, selfish words and selfish deeds”

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center

Of all the forces that can best overcome all difficulties is the love that knows how to give without necessarily bargaining for a return.

There is nothing that love cannot achieve and there is nothing that love cannot sacrifice. There is nothing which is beyond me and there is nothing without me. Yet, I am and can always be captured with love.

Pure love is matchless in majesty, it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel. It is the undying flame that has set all life aglow. All the same, it needs to be kindled and rekindled in the abysmal darkness of selfish thoughts, selfish words and selfish deeds in order to burst out in a mighty spirit to serve as a beacon for those who may yet be groping in the darkness of selfishness, be it deep blue or all black.

The light of love is not free from its fire of sacrifices. In fact, like heat and light, love and sacrifice, so to say, go hand in hand. The true spirit of sacrifice that springs spontaneously does not and cannot reserve itself for particular objects and special occasions., p2591
Sept, 1947; Surat

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