“Be prepared to receive this overflow of grace” Part-1
Source: AvatarMeher.org, AMB Hyderabad Center
True worship is an expression of devotion, not just saying prayers and making supplications. For you to worship me truly, it is necessary for you to have my grace. What is grace? No bargaining whatsoever is possible in the receiving of grace, and there is absolutely no specific condition for its bestowal. It may be given freely to anyone, whether saint or sinner, intellectual or illiterate, man or woman. Grace is just grace, nothing more and nothing less.
Although it is next to impossible, yet it is conceivable that one might become one hundred per cent prepared by one’s own efforts, and thereupon realize God. In such an improbable event, God-realization is not through grace.
But if the worst sinner stood before me and I had the whim (lahar), I could make him realize God in less than the flash of a second. That would be grace. At the very instant my grace descends upon you, you also become me and we remain one.
– “Listen Humanity”, p50