Meher Today – 8th January
8 January 1937
On Friday, 8 January 1937, Baba began fasting on only two cups of milk and two cups of tea daily, and stated that he would continue to do so for 40 days, until his birthday on the 18th of February. Each of the Westerners was to participate in the fast turn by turn, one each day from the 8th in the following order: Jean, Delia, Margaret, Garrett, Nadine, Kitty, Rano, Tom, Elizabeth, Nonny, Malcolm, Mary, Will, Ruano, Norina, and on the 23rd Freiny was to fast. From 24 January, the men and women mandali at Meherabad would alternately fast along with Baba.
8 January 1939
On Sunday, 8 January 1939, people of all beliefs poured in to Baba’s bungalow for a day-long darshan. A sadhu who headed an ashram some distance from Jabalpur came and, seeing Baba, exclaimed, “I saw you in Hardwar in December!”
8 January 1940
Baba returned to Jaipur at noon on 8 January. Meeting with the women that day, Baba described his contacts. (“Baba gave a delightful imitation of the mast who peeped through his fingers at Baba,” Mani recorded.) Emphasizing the importance of his mast work, Baba remarked, “Before I speak, I have to contact 75 percent of the masts in the world. I have already contacted 70 percent; now only five percent remain.”
Source: Lordmeher.org