Meher Today – 8th December
8 December 1932
Dr. Deshmukh meets Baba for the first time at the Knightsbridge Hotel in London.
8 December 1938
The first Blue Bus Tour of India begins with 22 disciples, both men and women. It lasts until May of 1939.
8 December 1960
The Hindu Women’s Rescue Home of Poona, which Baba had visited in June, requested a message from Baba on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee. On 8 December 1960, Baba dictated this poem for them:
If from now till I depart
You love me with a single heart,
All stains will be washed away,
Your soul will be as bright as day.
World is loss and God is gain;
World draws soul again, again.
Pay world’s debt with loving labor —
Cross life’s seas to my safe harbor.
8 December 1962
On 8 December 1962, the day before the big event, Adi noted in his diary: “[Today] Baba throws everyone into a confusion [tizzy], almost amounting to being driven mad! Eruch expresses that Baba is bent on doing it [driving the mandali mad].”
Source: Lordmeher.org & sheriarbooks.org
Photo source: http://www.ambppct.org