Meher Today – 7th January
7 January 1927
The chart was first printed in block letters on paper, then later on cardboard, and eventually the alphabet was painted on a small wooden board. Baba began using the board from Friday, 7 January 1927 and, according to his wish, the numbers 0 to 9 were added. Through this alphabet board, Baba’s silence began speaking once again. Baba’s fingers would move so speedily over the letters that there was no break in his conversation. Age observed, “His fingers danced to a divine tune, and the flow of words was like the flow of a crystal current.”
7 January 1935
At 8:30 in the evening on Monday, 7 January 1935, Baba and his mandali departed for Vancouver, Canada on a train called the Lark. Norina, Elizabeth, Nadine, Jean, Malcolm, Garrett, Minta, Rano, Nonny, Ruano and others who were involved in the film work had experienced the Master’s intimate contact for three weeks in Hollywood. His departure stabbed their hearts with the pain that makes one long for union with the Beloved.
7 January 1957
Dr. Chatterjee continued to treat Baba’s fracture, which was healing well. Apart from his steadily improving condition, Baba was anxious to get out of bed as early as possible and resume his activities as usual. On Monday, 7 January 1957, he remarked, “I have to get well soon, for there is a great amount of active work to be done in the near future.”
Eruch and Pendu were also recovering. Eruch was discharged from the Satara hospital on the 7th and brought to Rosewood. Although Pendu was still incapacitated, his condition was improving steadily.
Source: Lordmeher.org