Meher Today – 7th April
7 April 1948
Baba and the mandali rose early on the morning of 7 April, and the whole party, including the coolies, began their walking journey to Uttar Kashi. Famous for harboring spiritual seekers, yogis and sadhus, Uttar Kashi is about 40 miles from Tehri Garhwal. The distance does not seem overly far considering the length of Baba’s other foot journeys in the past; but this Himalayan mountain was steep and laced with rough tracts, and the intense heat relentlessly beat down upon them throughout the day. Baba and the men wore tennis shoes and carried satchels on their backs. By midday they had covered twelve miles and reached the dak bungalow in Syansu forest, where they stopped to rest.
7 April 1959
On 7 April, in Poona, Baba executed a revised Last Will and Testament, turning over the copyrights of his writings after Adi Sr.’s death to the Trust. His Tomb had already been transferred to the Trust under the Trust Deed.
7 April 1963
Baba describes one individual weakness of each of the previous Avatars.
Source: Lordmeher.org
Kullur Nagappa
Indebted for d Divine Information!