Meher Today – 5th November

Meher Today – 5th November

5 November 1927

The important Hindu day of fasting, Kartika Ekadashi, fell on Saturday, 5 November 1927. At two in the afternoon, the women mandali bathed Baba near the dhuni with mugfuls of water, followed by the men mandali and boys of Raosaheb’s class. Baba distributed warm woolen socks to the boys and made arrangements for each to have a new pair of chappals (sandals) or shoes made.

5 November 1929

Baba reached Duzdab at midnight on Tuesday, 5 November. Everyone was exhausted from the strenuous journey. To return to India, Baba could have journeyed via the sea route, which would have been much more convenient, but for his own reasons he chose to go overland which very few foreigners who visit Persia ever did. The mandali could only silently wonder why Baba had chosen to travel through the desert and mountains, suffering severe privations during the entire journey. Three of them became seriously ill.

5 November 1949

On 5 November, Sadashiv sent a telegram that he and Babadas had secured bungalows in Benares. Because of this good news, the companions were rewarded with a special lunch and shrikhand [a sweetened yogurt dish] in the evening, which Nilu relished. Ghani cracked, “It is love semi-solidified!”

In the afternoon Baba stated, “Eat as much as you can and whatever you can get until December 31. After January 1, who can tell what life will be like? You may get one meal all day, two meals a day, even plenty to eat — or you may not get anything for days together!

5 Novemeber 1952

Prayers from various religions are recited at Meherabad.

5 November 1955

Saturday, 5 November 1955, Baba returned to Meherabad at about 7:30 A.M. On his arrival each day he would first meet with Pendu, Padri and Vishnu in his cabin (opposite the hall). Although these three and the other mandali in charge of arrangements (Chhagan, Bhau, and others) could not be near Baba during the meetings because of their duties, they were given Wine of a different sort — a vintage full of pain! While the out-of-town lovers were enjoying only the delights of the Wineshop, not a day passed when Baba did not take these mandali members to task. And when they emerged from the cabin at the conclusion of these early morning sessions with Baba, they had to wear a smile on their lips to convey to others how pleased they were with their share.


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