Meher Today – 4th November
4 November 1929
Baba and the group left Fahrej on Monday, 4 November 1929. Three guides were taken with them to show the way. The heavily loaded bus had much difficulty in covering the sandy tract; the tires would sink into the sand, and the mandali had to get down and help push. Traveling was extremely slow; in one hour, they were able to cover only four miles. After crossing a desert region, they faced mountain roads with dangerous hairpin curves. On occasion, Baba himself would get out and walk down the steep ghats with the men, as the bus slowly descended.
4 November 1951
Baba left Tuljapur on Sunday, 4 November, on foot for Osmanabad. A bullock cart was hired to carry their luggage. After walking fourteen miles, they arrived in Osmanabad at 11:00 that night, and rested in the dak bungalow.
4 November 1959
Harry Kenmore left Meherazad for Bombay and then New York on 4 November 1959, carrying this message from Baba to his lovers: “Tell my American lovers that although they are physically far away from me, spiritually they are nearer to me than to themselves; and they are all very dear to me.”
A final poem from Baba to Harry was:
Dear Harry, be happy and merry,
Your woes in Meherazad bury.
Hurry, Harry, buck up, Harry,
My love to U.S. carry.
4 November 1962
Mass darshan for the public was fixed at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday afternoon, 4 November 1962. Before this, only those with badges could attend the daily programs. Almost 6,000 Baba lovers were waiting inside the pandal to witness this maha (big) darshan. Crowds had begun collecting outside Guruprasad since 1:00 P.M. Baba came on the platform at 1:15 P.M., flashing the same enticing smile. His chair was moved to the edge of the dais so those in line could take his darshan in rapid succession while passing in front of him. A green pillow was placed under each arm and another pillow under his feet.
Source: Lordmeher.org