Meher Today – 4th August
4 August 1946
On Monday, 4 August 1946, Baba, Baidul and Eruch traveled in a rented car and arrived midday at the Royal Hotel in Simla, where they met Kaka and Adi Sr. Baba seemed tired, and Eruch and Baidul looked haggard. Baba remarked to Adi, “This trip has been the most exhausting excursion I have ever undertaken.”
4 August 1956
On Saturday, 4 August 1956 at 9:30 A.M., Baba came to the conference room for interviews, conducted behind a curtained-off portion of the room. Most of those meeting Baba were San Francisco Sufis, but many others came — including Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, 62, a Sikh spiritual teacher and author, who had had a strong influence on some of Baba’s lovers (such as Joseph Harb) before they had come into Baba’s contact. Baba later met with all, and Don read the message “God’s Divine Business.”
4 August 1958
On 4 August, Baba instructed all the mandali, “Help me. Maya will try her best to oppose me. Don’t let it! Just obey me and help me.”
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