Meher Today – 3rd December
3 December 1947
Sarosh also arrived on 3 December in a new Buick car for Baba. It had been purchased by Nariman, and was delivered to Pimpalgaon the following day.
3 December 1956
On the morning after the accident, 3 December 1956, although in tremendous pain, Baba said:
The Hungarians suffered much in their recent struggle [against the Russians]. Many were lying wounded and helpless on the roads, away from their loved ones and from care or relief from pain. At least I am lying on a bed, with the care of good doctors and the love of all my lovers present and absent.
A few days before, Baba had remarked:
Nobody suffers in vain, for true freedom is spiritual freedom, and suffering is a ladder towards it. Man unknowingly suffers for God, and God knowingly suffers for man.
3 December 1968
On 3 December, Baba got a severe muscular spasm while he sat on his “potty chair,” the portable toilet in his room. Baba’s muscular contraction was sudden, rapid and very painful. He looked pale and for some time stopped eating. The mandali would often request him to eat well so that his body could withstand the strain of the upcoming darshan; but whenever it was referred to, Baba seemed quite unconcerned about it and would remark, “Giving darshan is not a big thing for me! Don’t worry, I will give darshan.”
Source: Lordmeher.org