Meher Today – 3rd August
3 August 1925
On 3 August, two goats wandered away from Arangaon and were hit by a passing freight train. Baba sent the mandali to investigate the matter and they returned with one of the goats whose legs had been broken.
It was immediately taken to the Meherabad hospital for treatment. The other goat was dead, and the village Harijans had carted it off with the intention of butchering it and eating the mutton. Finding out about this, Baba immediately went to Arangaon with a few of the men and prevailed upon the Harijans to bury the carcass. He made them promise never to eat such dead animals again. Baba then invited the villagers to Meherabad and fed them to their hearts’ content.
3 August 1933
Elizabeth expressed the feelings of all when she wrote to Baba after returning to America on 3 August 1933:
Dearest Baba,
You have left us outwardly, but inwardly, you were never more near to us, and we talk of you constantly and dream of you each night. You are the realization of all our dreams and the joy of our waking moments.
Portofino will ever remain with our hearts as Paradise. How good you were and how loving!
My heart is full of love for you, Baba dear.
3 August 1956
Baba departed Los Angeles for San Francisco at 9:00 A.M., on Friday, 3 August 1956, aboard United Airlines Flight 465. The welcoming committee of Hilda Fuchs, Gladys Carr and Marguerite Poley were there to see him off, along with some of the others. Hilda had brought a tiny bouquet of red roses as a farewell offering for Baba.
Source : Lordmeher.org