Meher Today – 29th October
29 October 1922
A bullfight was to be held at the Plaza de Toros on the afternoon of 29 October, and Baba surprisingly asked them to buy tickets. Those who wanted to go had told Baba that it would be a good opportunity to contact a large, typically Spanish crowd.
Watching as the first bull was killed, one of the women was overcome with fright and had to leave. Then one of the mandali, feeling ill at the brutal sight, had to go outside. In contrast, Baba seemed bored throughout and thought the whole ordeal childish. After the second bull was killed, Baba indicated that his work was accomplished and it was time to leave. He remarked, “Those two bulls were fortunate. They will incarnate next as human beings and rapidly advance on the Path, because they were killed in my presence.”
29 October 1933
Baba witnesses a bullfight at the Hippodrome in Madrid, Spain.
29 October 1951
At 6:15 A.M. on Monday, 29 October 1951, the group left Homnabad for Gulbarga, where Baba contacted a mast. At eleven o’clock he proceeded to Itkal by bus to contact a mast. From there, covering half the distance by bus and half by foot, Baba returned to Gulbarga. Baba sent Daulat Singh back to his home from there.
29 October 1962
On the morning of 29 October, Baba called John Haynes to Guruprasad first because it was his 15th birthday. Adi brought him from the Turf Club. In Guruprasad, John was greeted by Baba with a birthday hug.