Meher Today – 28th August
28 August 1927
Baba directed that a tennis court be laid out at Meherabad, on which he himself played on 28 August and again the following evening. Baba would also regularly participate in cricket matches and games of atya-patya with the mandali. He played cricket without shin guards, and once had to retire from a match when he was struck twice by the ball.
28 August 1946
On Wednesday, 28 August 1946, from six to nine o’clock in the morning, Baba contacted 1,500 lower-middle-class men and women whom Eruch and Baidul had gathered. Each had been given a ticket with the word PRASAD printed on it, and had been informed to come to the public library in Jubilee Garden on the appointed day. Baba washed their feet, put his head on their feet, and then in another room handed them his love-gift of one rupee each in private. After this poor program, Baba left Saharanpur at ten o’clock, accompanied by Baidul, Kaka and Eruch, and returned to Niranjanpur by the afternoon.
28 August 1947
Baba suffers from a severe attack of bronchial pneumonia and has a high temperature.
Source : Lordmeher.org & sheriarbooks.org