Meher Today – 24th October
24 October 1933
Baba arrives in Madrid and visits the most crowded part of the city, Puerta del Sol, numerous times.
24 October 1951
On Wednesday, 24 October 1951, Baba left Khojaguda Hill at 3:30 in the afternoon to start out on the last foot journey he would ever undertake. A bullock cart was hired to carry the remaining luggage down the hill, and Pendu drove it. Baba set out in advance with Eruch, Gustadji, Baidul and Daulat Singh.
24 October 1965
24 October, Baba signed copies of The Everything and The Nothing, also Listen, Humanity, Beams, and Life at its Best for this purpose. This was an exception, as Baba rarely signed any letter, book or document during this period.
Source: Lordmeher.org