Meher Today – 24th July
24 July 1964 – Don’s brother was seriously ill with cancer in London. He informed Baba of this on 24 July 1964 at Meherazad and Baba permitted him to travel to England if need be.
24 July 1930 – Thursday, 24 July 1930. The Countess, a lifelong seeker, had read articles about Baba in the Times of Indiaand the Occult Review. She had been in India for some months, visiting her sons and traveling to Kashmir and Agra. Baba explained to her about God-realization and the Path, and she was much impressed.
24 July 1928 – On 24 July, the ashram boys were punished for their misbehavior the previous day by not being allowed to go near Baba or have his darshan. Baba did not visit the school, although he made his usual rounds of the ashram. Because of his misconduct, Agha Ali had been ordered to attend school and he obeyed, though he had tears in his eyes and soon expressed his desire to return to Bombay. Baba readily consented and motioned for him to leave immediately, but Raosaheb intervened, appealing to Baba to forgive the boy. After several hours of discussion, Baba at last pardoned Ali. The next day he forgave all the boys and allowed them to take darshan. Baily and Ramjoo returned at noon; Padri left with Pleader’s mother and returned three days later.
Source : Lordmeher.org