Meher Today – 23rd December
23 December 1932
Baba left Cairo on 23 December 1932 and traveled out of the city to Helwan, where they stayed at the English Visitors’ Hotel.
23 December 1933
Valu begins planting saplings on both sides of the narrow road going up the hill at Meherabad.
23 December 1944
Baba attends the funeral of Masaji, Pendu’s father, in lower Meherabad. Baba gives his message about a memorial tower that will one day be built commemorating his followers who had passed on.
23 December 1952
A middle-aged female saint named Tai Maharaj lived in Amraoti. She had a large following, and she invited Baba to her temple. Baba went there on Tuesday, 23 December 1952 and, in the presence of over 500 of her followers, she received Baba with tears in her eyes. She declared to all present, “The Avatar has come to me!”
Source: Lordmeher.org & sheriarbooks.org