Meher Today – 21st December
21 December 1937
On 21 December 1937 evening Baba went to see a film, a comedy titled Topper at the Palace Theater.
21 December 1944
Nariman and Arnavaz Dadachanji are married at a fire temple in Ahmednagar.
21 December 1952
A large pandal had been erected in front of Vinoo Kher’s house, and Baba arrived there at eight o’clock on Sunday morning, 21 December 1952. The morning darshan began with a kirtan performed by Jairam Bua Sant, in the course of which he obliquely questioned Baba’s silence. No one had taken notice of Jairam’s inquiry, but Baba did and he stated, “In spite of my silence, I speak through all the tongues in the world.”
21 December 1956
One of Baba’s favorite saint had passed on early in the morning of 21 December 1956, the saint Gadge Maharaj died in Amraoti.