Meher Today – 1st September
1 September 1902
On Monday, 1 September 1902, at the age of eight, Merwan was admitted to the Sardar Khan Dastur Noshirwan Zoroastrian School in the Camp (cantonment) area, which he attended for a year. In the Pudumji School, boys and girls were taught separately, but in the Dastur School, classes were coeducational. Merwan did not like it. He felt shy in front of girls. The very first day of school, when he went home for lunch, he refused to go back in the afternoon. Despite entreaties from his mother, he would not reveal the reason for his attitude.
1 September 1926
On Wednesday, 1 September 1926, Baba informed the mandali, “From tomorrow, I will stop eating solid food for five or six months. So, with your own hands, cook various dishes for me today since this will be my last meal before I break my fast.” The cooks prepared a delicious meal for Baba, which was ready by noon. Baba tasted each dish and then distributed the food to the mandali. He began fasting the next day, taking only a small amount of weak tea.
1 September 1929
On Sunday, 1 September, Baba remarked, “Vasant is the best of the Prem Ashram boys. I must not leave Meherabad on my next tour without giving him the benefit of my company for at least half an hour. If he learned that I was here and had left without seeing him, he would feel so bad he might even die!”
The next day, Baba was driven the 60 miles to Jamkhed especially to meet this lucky youth. Vasant was overjoyed at the good fortune of having Baba’s darshan, and was profoundly humbled to know that the Master had come so far to see him.
Source : Lordmeher.org