Meher Today – 19th July
19 July 1959 – Sunday, 19 July 1959, was a “family darshan” for the close Poona lovers — their final opportunity to see Baba, as he was to leave Poona shortly. Baba was with them the entire day. Many brought packed lunches with them.
19 July 1929 – On 19 July, a man named Dhotiwala had seen Baba taking a walk the previous day and came in the morning for darshan. He complained about the scanty rainfall in the area and the farmers’ plight and probable heavy financial losses and famine. He requested that Baba bring rain. Just as he was stating his plea, a heavy shower began to fall and Baba humorously rhymed, “You have got theneer [water] and I have got the teer [arrow]!”
19 July 1928 – Baily left for Poona on 19 July, where his mother was ill. One of the boys named Damu had been ill for almost three weeks with a persistent high fever. Baba called the boy and took him on his lap, saying, “Tell your fever to go to Baba! Don’t worry. I am always near you, with you, and in you.” Baba played chess that night until 10:00 P.M. with Khak Saheb and Ramjoo.
Source : Lordmeher.org