Meher Today – 18th May
18 May 1924
Baba again retired to the Jhopdi for seclusion on Sunday, 18 May, fasting only on liquids. Meanwhile, he ordered all arrangements to begin for a grand celebration of Upasni Maharaj’s birthday on the 20th.
18 May 1966
On the day of Sheela’s operation, 18 May 1966, before she left for the hospital, Baba called her, Rama and Mehernath to his room at 6:30 A.M. Baba embraced Sheela and asked, “Are you scared? Suppose you die in this operation? Will you be happy to come to me?”. Although her mother started to cry when she heard this, Sheela said, “Yes, I will be happy to stay with you forever. Now, I see you only once in a while, but if I come to you, it will be eternally!”. Rama said, “Your nazar should be with her, Baba.” “Only my nazar? You should be happy your daughter will be with me! Don’t cry; I will be with her always. Even in the hospital, I will be with her. Do you think that this doctor can do such a complicated ear operation? It will be I who does it through him.”
Source: Lordmeher.org