Meher Today – 15th October
15 October 1918
Perfect Master Sai Baba drops his body while calling out, “Ah, Deva! –- O, God!”
15 October 1922
Mehera catches her first glimpse of Meher Baba descending a staircase in Sakori at Upasni Maharaj’s Ashram.
15 October 1939
The day after Nonny’s death, on Sunday, 15 October 1939, Baba remarked, “Before the war ends, two more of the circle will pass off [on]. It may be two male members or one male and one female. But they will be the luckiest to have left their bodies at such an important and critical period of my great work of creating an upheaval all over the world.”
15 October 1949
On the morning of Saturday, 15 October 1949, Baba paid a final visit to Meherabad to inspect the traveling kits containing the necessary items to be taken by each of those accompanying him.
It was now decided that the following four women and sixteen men of various ages would be going with Baba in the New Life. Baba was then 55 1/2 years old.
Women Companions:
Mehera, 42
Mani, 31
Meheru, 22
Goher, 33
Men Companions:
Adi Sr., 45
Ali Akbar (Aloba), 33
Anna 104, 60
Babadas, mid 40s
Baidul, 59
Daulat Singh, 59
Donkin, 37
Eruch, 33
Ghani, 56
Gustadji, 59
Kaka Baria, 58
Murli Kale, 30
Nilu, 45
Pendu, 45
Sadashiv Patil, 60
Vishnu, 45
Source: Lordmeher.org & Sheriarbooks.org