Meher Today – 15th August
15 August 1936
On 15 August 1936, Meher Baba executed a trust deed in Nasik creating the Meher Mandali Maintenance Trust. A board of trustees was appointed to see to the management of the Nasik, Rahuri and Meherabad ashrams, and to ensure maintenance of individuals and families dependent upon Meher Baba. The idea in creating a trust was initially to free Baba from overseeing the details of the ashrams’ daily affairs so he could concentrate on his work with the mad and masts in Rahuri. But Baba still kept a close watch over all the activities and personally intervened when necessary.
15 August 1943
Baba was driven to Poona on Sunday, 15 August 1943 by Sarosh accompanied by Pendu, Ghani and Jal Kerawalla. They stayed at Bindra House and Baba met the Jessawalas, as well as his brothers Jalbhai and Beheram, and his wife Perin and their children.
15 August 1949
Baba arrived at Meherabad on Monday morning, 15 August, for the first day of the meetings. He embraced Gustadji and Kaikobad and then entered the hall at 7:15 A.M. Throughout the proceedings, Baba conversed in Gujarati mostly through the alphabet board, which Adi Sr. would read. Ramjoo translated Baba’s words into English and Vishnu translated them into Marathi. Feram Workingboxwala wrote detailed notes in shorthand; Baba had instructed Feram to “stick to me like a leech, and try not to miss anything that I say to anyone during these days.”
15 August 1966
Rick arrived in Poona by train at 5:30 A.M. on Monday, 15 August 1966. Adi had driven Sheela to Poona for a doctor’s appointment the previous day, so he, Sheela and Bhavsar met Rick at the train station and Rick rode with them to Ahmednagar. Rick was given breakfast at Sarosh’s home. “Baba is very particular about time,” Adi told him (as Adi settled in for a second helping, Rick wry recalled). “But don’t worry,” Adi continued, “he will blame me, not you, if we are late for your nine o’clock meeting.”
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