Meher Today – 14th January
14 January 1953
Baba went out to contact masts in Madras on 14 January, covering long distances on foot. One good mast was found living in the home of a Hindu, another in a mosque. A third mast contacted was Moti Baba, with whom Baba had worked before. When Baba initially went to contact this mast, he was not allowed in the house. Moti Baba was residing in a wealthy Muslim’s home in the beach area, and it was with much difficulty that Baba was finally able to reach him. After contacting him, Baba came out greatly pleased and urged the mandali, “Go inside immediately and see Moti Baba. Be quick. You are now going to have a feast!”
They found out later that when Baba was contacting the mast, Moti Baba had said, “Now, let them [the mandali] eat; feed them.” Baba had forbidden the mandali to eat or drink that day until his work was completed.
14 January 1956
From early morning on Saturday, 14 January 1956, a large crowd of several thousand gathered and waited for the darshan to begin at pune. Many lovers from far distances such as Nagpur, Andhra, Hamirpur, Dehra Dun and Bombay had also come. Baba reached the place at 8:00 A.M., amid wild cheers of his Jai. Separate rows of men and women formed, and Baba immediately began distributing the prasad. The program was originally scheduled to last only that morning, but it continued until six o’clock in the evening, as the long line of those wishing darshan did not end until then. Baba did allow a 30-minute interval, during which time he met privately in a separate room with those lovers who were from out of town. The entire day, Baba had only a glass of soda water or a soft-drink.
14 January 1969
On Tuesday, 14 January 1969, the Hindu festival Sankrant was celebrated and Baba distributed the traditional sweets with the invocation: “Take this sweet and speak sweetly ever after.” Don Stevens was also remembered, as it was his birthday.
Source: Lordmeher.org