Meher Today – 14th April
14 April 1924
On the morning of 14 April, Baba hastened out of the Post Office building, shouting to the mandali, “I couldn’t sleep for a moment last night! I couldn’t sleep for a particular reason!” He then gathered the mandali and explained: “Kondiram asked me for train fare to return to Poona. His mother is ill, so I gave him money. But now I am making this rule: I will never give a pie [cent] to anyone, nor will I ask anyone else to give money for any such reason. If anyone’s relative is seriously ill, he can go on foot. But if he does otherwise, at anyone’s expense, he is no longer mine, and that person will be considered to have left me. So whoever wants to be relieved of my company should say so here and now, and I will furnish his return journey to his respective place and set him free.”
14 April 1930
On Monday, 14 April, Baba and the mandali went to Annasaheb Kale’s residence for lunch, and in the evening at the Tapovan Baba played a game of field hockey with the schoolboys. While Baba was playing with the boys, the ex-Diwan of Kolhapur state and two other influential men drove up in an expensive car. They were surprised to find Meher Baba playing hockey. They desired darshan and Baba granted their request, and dictated this brief message:
With children, I am a child; with the old, I am old. With women, I am a woman; with men, a man. With the rich, I am rich; and with the poor, I am poor. Despite all this, I love children most as they have no desires. I enjoy playing with them, and my playing with them makes them drink Wine [feel love], which they can drink more of while playing.
14 April 1963
At Guruprasad, despite much pain, Baba stands while the Repentance Prayer is being recited.
Source: Lordmeher.org & Sheriarbooks.org