Meher Today – 12th September

Meher Today – 12th September

12 September 1931

Baba’s first ever physical contact with England during his first visit to the West. He arrived in London by train from Paris, having docked at Marseilles the day before, without making any contacts on the journey. So his first meetings with Westerners were in England on that date. Many he met then became lifelong and key disciples.

(Sources and more detail in ‘Much Silence’ by T and D Hopkinson and ‘The God Man’ by Charles Purdom.)

12 September 1935

On Thursday, 12 September 1935, Baba came to the kitchen and sent for Mehera and Khorshed. He asked Mehera, “Would you obey me and wholeheartedly do what I say?”

“Of course, Baba,” she said. “I will do so with all my heart, as I have been doing up till now and will forever.”

Baba instructed Khorshed to bring a needle. Taking the needle in his hand, he indicated to Mehera, “Promise me by signing your name in blood on my arm.” After Baba pierced Mehera’s right middle finger, she wrote her signature with her blood on his left forearm. Baba ordered her thereafter not to sign her name, as if to seal the agreement. Mehera’s complete willingness to obey made Baba very happy.

12 September 1954

Baba gives public darshan to more than 70,000 people at Wadia Park in Ahmednagar. “Meher Baba’s call” is read out which begins “Age after age, amidst the clamor of disruptions, war, fear and chaos, rings the Avatar’s Call: ‘Come all unto me!’ ” Another message, “How to Love God” is also given.

12 September 1967

On 12 September 1967, Baba’s Universal work suffered a grievous setback. At night while Kaikobad was walking on the verandah, an ant bit him on the foot. Kaikobad’s eyesight was poor, and thinking it was a scorpion he shook his leg so hard that he fell down and broke his thigh bone. Don went to Meherazad that night to examine him and the next morning he was taken to Booth Hospital by ambulance, where he was X-rayed and admitted. Sidhu came from Meherabad to help look after him.

Later that day, Baba did something extraordinary — he shed tears! He explained, “I am not crying about Kaikobad, but I feel sorry for my work. Kaikobad does not have the least notion what work I am doing! But by working with him in seclusion, my Universal work is carried out much easier.”

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  1. 12 September 1931 was also Baba’s first ever physical contact with England during his first visit to the West. He arrived in London by train from Paris, having docked at Marseilles the day before, without making any contacts on the journey. So his first meetings with Westerners were in England on that date. Many he met then became lifelong and key disciples. (Sources and more detail in ‘Much Silence’ by T and D Hopkinson and ‘The God Man’ by Charles Purdom.)

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