Meher Today – 11th November
11 November 1944
On Saturday night, 11 November, darshan began at 9:30 P.M. in Gorakshan Maidan, where almost 30,000 people gathered. Baba gave a message on God and Religion which Justice Niyogi read out, Deshmukh translating into Marathi, and Manek Mehta into Hindi.
11 November 1951
On Sunday, 11 November 1951, Baba sat in seclusion in the cave of the Sufi Qutub Zarzari Zar Baksh (Sai Baba’s Master in one of Sai’s previous incarnations), and also contacted a mast near the shrine. Baba then proceeded to Daulatabad, and there too sat in several shrines for a fixed time before returning to Khuldabad in the evening.
11 November 1965
On 11 November, the builder of Mehersthan in Kovvur, Koduri Krishna Rao, died of heart failure. Baba was cabled: “Koduri Krishna Rao reaching 4:00 A.M. Left today heart failure.” Baba had this telegram sent in reply to his wife and family:
Your husband Koduri Krishna Rao’s love for me and his service in the cause of the Avatar have made him immortal. Krishna Rao now lives eternally in me and is blissfully happy. I want you to be brave and to keep happy in Krishna Rao’s happiness. My love blessing to you and your dear children.
To his Andhra lovers, this telegram was sent:
Koduri Krishna Rao was one of my dearest lovers and has come to rest eternally in me.
Source: Lordmeher.org
A RAMA Kumar