Meher Today – 11th February
11 February 1931
On Wednesday, 11 February 1931, Baba took a few of the mandali to Poona, where they stayed at the home of Sadashiv Patil. Baba attended Sadashiv’s daughter’s wedding, and the nuptial ceremony turned into a large darshan program as several hundred people came to pay their respects to the Master. Among the leading guests was the Maharaja of Bhor, and the wedding seemed to be a pretext for Baba to give darshan to his followers in Poona, rich and poor alike.
11 February 1942
Baba wished to do mast work near the Himalayas, but as it was cold at this time of year (and Chanji was unable to obtain permission to travel there from the Nepalese Consulate in New Delhi), Baba postponed journeying there until the end of March. Instead, he left Dehra Dun on the night of 11 February, for Rajputana to contact masts. He was accompanied by Baidul, Kaka and Gustadji. They traveled over 2,000 miles in only nine days, by train, bus, bullock cart and on foot. Baba contacted 27 masts in places such as Hardwar, Roorkee, Landhaura, Saharanpur, Jalalabad, Thana Bhawan, Meerut, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Aligarh, Bareilly and Moradabad.
11 February 1953
On Wednesday, 11 February 1953, Baba’s 59th birthday was celebrated in Meherazad. No outside lovers were invited, but Adi Sr., Chhagan, Ramjoo and Nusserwan Satha came from Ahmednagar, Don, Padri and Sidhu from Meherabad, Adi Jr. and Jalbhai from Poona and Babadas also attended. That morning, at 7:30, Baba washed the feet of 150 poor in Meherazad. After placing his head on their feet, he gave each two rupees as prasad.
11 February 1958
Starting on 11 February, despite having a fever, Baba was driven to Meherabad every day for the next three days to inspect the preparations for the sahavas. As Eruch wrote to a devotee, “Baba’s activities remain just the same as before, except that free and brisk movements are now absolutely restricted due to great pain [in his hip].”