Meher Today – 11th December
11 December 1928
On 11 December, Baba told Dastur many things in connection with this publishing work: “If Meher Messagedeals only with spiritual subjects, my nazar [sight] and blessing will always be on it.” Baba warned Dastur to steer clear of social and political issues and not to publish such articles in what was to be solely a spiritual journal.
11 December 1931
Disembarking at the port of Cherbourg on Friday, 11 December 1931, Baba arrived in Paris that evening and stayed at the Hotel Powers at 52 rue François. Margaret Starr, Margaret Craske, Delia, Kim and twelve-year-old John Cousins had arrived in Paris the previous day and joined Baba. The next day, Kitty and her niece Zilla arrived in the afternoon. At night, they went to the Aubert Palace cinema and saw Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights and another night a Laurel & Hardy film.
11 December 1967
A tremendous earthquake rocked the western shores of (Bombay) India at 4:30 A.M. on 11 December, shockwaves from which were felt in Ahmednagar, Meherabad and Meherazad for about 50 seconds. When the tremors occurred, Baba was in his bedroom. Goher came running into the room and held fast to him! She was trying to save Baba, and he smiled. Rano was on watch at the time, and she, too, joined Goher in expressing her concern for Baba’s safety during the earthquake.
11 December 1968
On 11 December 1968, Baba dictated this message for his 75th birthday the following year, but Adi was instructed not to print it and circulate it until after January:
To love me for what I may give you is not loving me at all. To sacrifice anything in my cause to gain something for yourself is like a blind man sacrificing his eyes for sight. I am the Divine Beloved worthy of being loved because I am Love. He who loves me because of this will be blessed with unlimited sight and will see me as I am.
Source: Lordmeher.org