Human form’s virtues and vices
Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center
The next day in the mandali’s cottage, Baba asked Ramjoo if he was a human being or an animal. Taken aback, Ramjoo answered, “A human being!”
Baba then gave this discourse about the human form and its attributes:
The human form is the last form in evolution and it is the highest. Although it is the last and highest form in creation, it is still full of animal desires and lower qualities, such as eating, drinking, envy, hatred, anger, and lust. These blemishes are there because the human form has evolved through and out of creation; and in this evolving, all the faults and defects that are in animals are also in the human being.
But this is not the whole story. Side by side with these lower qualities, a human being has created in himself certain higher angelic qualities, such as being able to free himself from base desires, and has the attributes of kindness and grace. In an ordinary human being, there is an admixture of almost half and half of the lower animal qualities and the higher angelic ones. Although both must be destroyed before Realization, the lower qualities must first vanish. The disappearance of these lower qualities then makes a man capable of further advancement in the angelic ones. Eventually, the angelic qualities are also destroyed and man becomes one with God.
So to be a human being does not only mean to be born in a human form with the lowest animal qualities still sticking to it. A human form with the animal qualities destroyed and the angelic qualities developed, that is a real human being! But even that is not the perfect state. Angelic qualities developed to the highest degree still do not make a Perfect Being. The angels are free from the lower animal qualities and possess higher qualities of godliness, but they have no love — real love for God — which makes one worthy of Union. Angels, of course, have love, but it is in their nature. They have what can be called “natural love,” which makes them higher than human beings. But being devoid of love for God, angels cannot realize God. For that, they must assume human form with these higher qualities developed. In human form alone can they create love for God, qualifying them for the attainment of God-realization. Realization of God can never be attained without the human form., p1059
Aug, 1929; Harvan, Kashmir
Photo courtesy: MSI collection