Human form and its attributes – Part-4

Human form and its attributes – Part-4

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center

As long as desires persist, there is no freedom. One who is completely desireless becomes the King of Kings! But people have no idea how to become desireless. Freedom from desires is real life. One has to go beyond desires to enjoy freedom. This freedom can never be imagined; it is beyond the mind. The mind creates desires and as long as the mind continues and does not die, a person cannot extricate himself and enjoy freedom.

The soul is like a bird. When all desires vanish, the bird’s eyes open. It sees God and becomes one with Him. I am that God whom the bird sees when its eyes open. But desires blind the bird and it cannot see me, though I am standing right in front of it.

Continuing, Baba said:

Bliss is something quite distinct from happiness and misery. Happiness and misery are gained through [experiences of] the mind. Bliss is something totally different; after the death of the mind, what the soul gains through God is bliss. Happiness and misery are due to the mind, while bliss exists on account of the soul. Bliss cannot be described. It cannot be grasped. It is to be experienced., p1060
Aug, 1929; Harvan, Kashmir

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