Human form and its attributes – Part-2

Human form and its attributes – Part-2

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center

[Continued from previous post]:

So to be a human being does not only mean to be born in a human form with the lowest animal qualities still sticking to it. A human form with the animal qualities destroyed and the angelic qualities developed, that is a real human being! But even that is not the perfect state. Angelic qualities developed to the highest degree still do not make a Perfect Being. The angels are free from the lower animal qualities and possess higher qualities of godliness, but they have no love — real love for God — which makes one worthy of Union. Angels, of course, have love, but it is in their nature. They have what can be called “natural love,” which makes them higher than human beings. But being devoid of love for God, angels cannot realize God. For that, they must assume human form with these higher qualities developed. In human form alone can they create love for God, qualifying them for the attainment of God-realization. Realization of God can never be attained without the human form., p1059
Aug, 1929; Harvan, Kashmir

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