The Beginning and the End of Creation: Whence and whither?

The Beginning and the End of Creation: Whence and whither?

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center

As long as the human mind does not directly experience ultimate Reality as it is, the mind is baffled in every attempt to explain the origin and purpose of creation. The ancient past seems to be shrouded in inscrutable mystery, and the future seems to be a completely sealed book. The human mind can at best make brilliant conjectures about the past and the future of the universe because it is bound by the spell of Maya. It can neither arrive at final knowledge of these points, nor can it remain content with ignorance about them. “Whence?” and “Whither?” are the two everlasting and poignant queries that make the human mind divinely restless.

-Discourses 7th Ed., p23

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