Baba’s Universal work is beyond the bounds of human intellect to understand
Source: AvatarMeher.org, AMB Hyderabad Center
Unlike at other public places, Baba was not in a hurry to leave, and his former morose mood since arriving in Milan, Chanji noted, now seemed changed. There (and later), Baba explained about his spiritual work to Enid and a friend of hers named Theo, who had accompanied them:
It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary man to understand my work. With my Universal mind, I work [on an unlimited scale] for the universe; to understand what I do is not within the bounds of human intellect. I always work for the universe and not for myself. Why would I need to work for myself? I do my work through various mediums. With that object in mind, I visit places, see different sights, or go to plays, films, and do a hundred and one other things. But I don’t enjoy movies or the theater as you do — I make them the medium of my inner spiritual work. My every breath does this work constantly, while outwardly you find me doing nothing [special]. You cannot grasp the internal mystery.
I have to do great work for the welfare of humanity — it is my Universal duty. Times are critical and due to [certain crises], my responsibility has increased in proportion to the circumstances and prevailing conditions. I am the Emperor of the spiritual kingdom and every second receive [inner] “reports” and messages from every corner of the universe. Because of the troublesome times we are facing, I am inwardly receiving only distressing reports, such as the conflict between China and Japan.
Such news pours in every moment and I have to issue inner instructions [to my agents]. You cannot see this outwardly, as I simultaneously manage an infinite number of things inwardly unknown to anyone. However, the effect of my work does appear outwardly, for example, when you find me suddenly and quite abruptly in a bad mood. One moment I look happy in a jolly mood; the very next, you find me serious, moody and morose. All this depends on the reports I receive, and I have to plan my work according to them. Or suppose I am quite happily having tea with you all, and at that moment I am inwardly informed that someone in India is passing through a great crisis. At that time, naturally I send out a message in reply on how to cope with or remedy the situation. And while doing that, my mood will change so that I will appear absent from my present surroundings.
You will have a thousand and one thoughts at this sudden change in me; but it is your ignorance which prevents you from either understanding the nature of my work or the cause of the change in my mood. You will be pained at my behavior and pondering it, thousands of thoughts will pass through your mind in a second! But all this is beyond intellect and you will never be able to follow it with the help of an inquisitive or arguing mind.
-www.lordmeher.org, p1231
Oct, 1931; Milan, Italy