Meher Today – 12th January

Meher Today – 12th January

12 January 1933

Baba arrives in Colombo Ceylon. He stays at the White Horse Hotel for three days.

12 January 1935

At 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, 12 January 1935, Baba left for Hawaii and the Orient aboard the steamer Empress of Canada, accompanied by Chanji, Kaka, Jalbhai, Adi Sr. and Chummy. The puppy was at first kept with Adi in his cabin, but later was shifted to the animal quarters. Baba visited him each morning and afternoon. Baba received many telegrams on the ship, full of his lovers’ laments of separation.

12 January 1942

Baba asks B.D. Jessawala (Eruch’s father) to light the dhuni at Meherabad and keep it burning for 48 hours.


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