Meher Today

Meher Today – 2nd January

Meher Today – 2nd January

2 January 1927 Baba stopped writing but doesn’t start using the alphabet board until 5 January. In the days in between he points to letters in newspapers. 2 January 1933 On Monday, 2 January 1933, Baba left for Port Said, setting sail the next day at 4:00 P.M. on the SS Baloeran bound for Ceylon. 2 January 1953 Baba visits the grave of His follower, Jal D. Kerawalla and places roses on his g... »

Meher Today – 1st January

Meher Today – 1st January

1 January 1929 On Tuesday, 1 January 1929, meetings were held about the financial affairs of the ashram. (A loan had been taken from Nusserwan, but he required some payment.) Buasaheb complained, “There are so many in the mandali these days and the activities being less and less, they do nothing but eat. To reduce expenses it is advisable to reduce their number.” Baba replied, “D... »

Meher Today – 31st December

Meher Today – 31st December

31 December 1926 Each person was given a specific duty. A boys’ school was reestablished on 31 December 1926. Since the Hazrat Babajan School had been dismantled and the men mandali now occupied the Mess Quarters, the new school was opened in the Family Quarters at Arangaon where the Shahane family had formerly lived. Pandoba, Ramchandra Gadekar, and Nisal were appointed as teachers by Baba.... »

Meher Today – 30th December

Meher Today – 30th December

30 December 1929 On 30 December 1929, Baba held a discussion with K. J. Dastur and the mandali about the Meher Message magazine. Baba told Dastur, “Stop publishing Meher Message as of now. All circumstances in Nasik are adverse to my staying here. The mandali have no work and the expenses continue to mount.” 30 December 1932 Baba visits the Cairo Museum and views the famous Tutankhamen... »

Meher Today – 29th December

Meher Today – 29th December

29 December 1922 Since the day Baba had started his one-meal fast, he had been serving food to the mandali himself. On Friday, 29 December, when he was serving Ghani’s plate, Ghani said, “I don’t have much of an appetite today; I don’t wish to eat.” Baba became upset by this remark and angrily told him, “You have just broken one of the 28 orders.” Ghani re... »

Meher Today – 28th December

Meher Today – 28th December

28 December 1928 Another Muslim boy who had been taken away with Agha Ali in August was Ahmed Muhammad. On 28 December 1928, at sunset, as Baba was seated by his crypt-cabin discussing matters with the mandali, suddenly Ahmed came forward and garlanded Baba with roses. He stood with pride before Baba. The little fellow returned to Meherabad, having walked all the way from Bombay, 175 miles. He had... »

Meher Today – 27th December

Meher Today – 27th December

27 December 1938 On the morning of 27 December, Baba was driven in a taxi with Hedi and Walter Mertens to an old palace named Madan Mahal, built on top of a mountain near Jabalpur. 27 December 1939 On the morning of 27 December 1939, a discussion about sin and sinners came up among the group. Baba commented: “From my point of view, no one is so bad as not to improve and become good. Everyone... »

Meher Today – 26th December

Meher Today – 26th December

26 December 1937 They reached Nagpur at 9:30 on the morning of 26 December 1937 and were met at the station by Pappa Jessawala and his son Eruch, Jal Kerawalla and Dr. Deshmukh. Baba rode in the Jessawala’s car with some of the mandali; the rest followed in another car to the Jessawalas’ grand residence, called Mary Lodge. Gaimai and her two daughters were waiting for Baba, standing in... »

Meher Today – 25th December

Meher Today – 25th December

25 December 1932 Baba visits the most ancient pyramids, including King Zoser’s in Sakkara, Egypt. 25 December 1953 Baba’s visit on 25 December, a public meeting was held in the Town Hall in Kakinada to publicize the upcoming darshan, for which Baba sent the following telegram: My message to you all for 25th December: Let love annihilate your lower self and reveal my Infinite Self. Let your e... »

Meher Today – 24th December

Meher Today – 24th December

24 December 1922 At 11:00 A.M. on 24 December, Baba called fourteen of the men to his room and told them, “My seclusion is because of spiritual reasons. Maharaj has recently imprisoned himself in a bamboo cage at Sakori and is suffering for the good of his mandali. Now that my real spiritual work has started, many of the present mandali will leave me. You will see.” The fourteen men ag... »