Meher Today

Meher Today – 3rd February

Meher Today – 3rd February

3 February 1926 On 3 February, a mechanical pump was installed on the well so that water would be provided more easily. Baba had instructed Ajoba and the mason that it must be completed that day under any circumstances. “Either fix it today or throw it away!” Baba said. The old hand pump was to be repositioned, but the mason did not want to work extra hours and left for Ahmednagar. Whe... »

Reincarnation and Karma – The Need for Male and Female Incarnations: Understanding through detachment

Reincarnation and Karma – The Need for Male and Female Incarnations: Understanding through detachment

Source:, AMB Hyderabad Center When the soul is trying to overcome sexual duality through detachment from the opposite sex, it is paving a way for understanding the experience associated with the opposite sex from within. Then a man tries to understand a woman, not through the eyes of the male, but through the imaginative reaching out toward what the woman feels herself to be, in he... »